You are always filled with the fragrance of pure love.......... You cannot go to find love.........Love is always there within your heart.........You lose contact with it the moment you touch the "I"........ The only boundary of love is There is no "my love" "your love"..........Love is the essence of life...........Love is the Self of every self......... Love that is channeled becomes possessive.........and then possessed....... There is no master of love..........Love is the master of every master...........Love is the servant of every servant......... You can never define can only be swept away in its current........ Even the saints drink the nectarine fountain of love and become silent..........Their blissful silence speaks the story of the pure nature of love..... The one that knows the power of love fears nothing..........The one that fears love knows nothing! Nothing can happen until you believe..........Believe that you can love no matter what...........You are the master that serves the heart filled with love............You O child are the master of masters ..............You can never give up! You must reach out to the golden heart...........the heart that knows without fear to follow the ways of pure love.............. |